目的通过魏氏法与血沉仪的比较以及对仪器各孔不同时间检测的一致性来了解自动血沉仪分析结果的可靠性.方法采用低、中、高三种不同标本分别用魏氏法和自动血沉分析仪同时测定红细胞沉降率(ESR);采用三种不同值的标本各分两份,任意放置于两孔中测定,进行分析;用同一标本放置不同时间测定对结果准确性的判断进行统计学处理;用质量控制图监控血沉的室内质量控制.结果仪器法和魏氏法测定的血沉比较,差异无显著性意义(t=1.9665,0.20<P<0.40);仪器各孔除两孔外测定结果比较,差异无显著性意义(t=0~1.6942,>0.4~0.5);同一标本放置不同时间结果比较,差异无显著性意义(F0.05(4,16)=2.45,P>0.05);室内质量控制结果良好.结论 Sedass-20型自动血沉仪能适合临床大批量的血沉检测.
Objective To learn the stability and accuracy of the automated analyzer for the measurement of erythrocyte sedimentation rate separately by comparing with the standard method of Westergren and analyzing the agreement of each test-charmel. Methods Twenty vacuum-collected blood samples which involved low, middle and high ESR results had been measured by both the Analyzer and Westergen . Divided samples into three levels (low, middle, high), and each level had two samples measured randomly in test-charmel. Each sample had been laid aside for different delay time and was measured for analyzing the accuracy of the automated system which was affected by the delay time. The data of the measurement had been analyzed with SPSS 11.0 software. The internal quality control (IQC) was inspected by quality control chart. Results There was no significant difference between the automated system and the Westergren method(t = 1. 9665,0.20 〈P 〈 0.40), There was no significant difference between each channel result except for two test-channels(t = 0- 1. 6942 P 〉 0.4 - 0.5) and the measurement of each sample in different delay time. The result of the IQC was fine. Conclusion The Sedass-20 erythrocyte sedimentation rate analyzer is suitable for the clinical measurement.
Clinical Education of General Practice