

Distributed monthly hydrological conceptual model and its application
摘要 文章在RS与GIS支持下,建立地理空间信息库,提取流域土地利用、土壤类型和植被类型等地理信息及相应的水文空间参数,采用已有的水文概念性模型,建立了一个月分布式水文概念性模型。模型结构简单,所需参数较少,可操作性强。模型在雁栖河流域的应用结果显示,总体上能较好地模拟流域的月迳流量,可用于评估流域水资源量、气候变化以及土地利用变化对水资源的影响。 With the development of Remote Sensing (RS) and Geographic Information Systems (GIS), distributed hydrological modeling has become important in contemporary hydrology for assessing the impact of human intervention and possible climatic change in basin hydrology and water resources. The use of distributed hydrological modeling based on RS & GIS with prudent simplification is appropriate for providing a reasonable solution to regional hydrological problems associated with planning, optimal allocation and management of water resources. With the aid of RS and GIS, a geographic information database can be established, landuse, soil and vegetation information and spatial hydrological parameters are obtained. As a result, a distributed monthly hydrological conceptual model is established with a previous hydrological conceptual model. Because of its simple structure and few input parameters, the model may be put into practice with ease. The model has been applied to the Yanqihe catchment in northern China. A set of selected monthly rainfall-runoff data was used to assess the performance of the model. Both the calibration and validation hydrographs showed a good similarity between the observed and the simulated runoff. It is demonstrated that the model is applicable to the evaluation of the water resources and impacts from the possible climatic change and the change of landuse on the basin hydrology.
出处 《水文地质工程地质》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第6期34-37,共4页 Hydrogeology & Engineering Geology
基金 国家自然科学基金(70073045) 国家973项目(G1999034606) 北京市自然科学基金项目(6032003) 北京市自然基金对外合作联合资助重点项目(KE200410028014)资助
关键词 分布式水文概念性模型 RS与GIS 雁栖河流域 distributed monthly hydrological conceptual model RS&GIS Yanqihe catchment
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