
中国矿产资源节约利用的潜力分析 被引量:14

Analysis on the Saving Potentials of Mineral Resources in China
摘要 建国以来,特别是近20年来,我国矿产资源节约利用方面取得显著成绩,但与发达国家相比,能源和矿产资源消耗强度仍然很高。我国矿产资源节约利用有个6方面潜力:①产业结构调整和升级的潜力;②技术革新和技术改造的潜力;③资源综合利用潜力;④提高资源回采率潜力;⑤降低单位产品消耗的潜力;⑥二次资源回收利用潜力。要使上述潜力发挥出来,取得成效,就需要提高认识,健全法制,加强管理,理顺价格,发挥市场经济作用,促进循环经济的发展。 Since the liberation of China, especially over the last two decades, China has achieved significant progresses in the field of mineral resources savings. These achievements are well manifested below: savings in energy and raw materials won significant economic and social benefits; the recovery rates of mineral resources have been increased gradually; the comprehensive utilization scale was gradually enlarged; the integrated utilization level of mineral resources was raised annually; and the use of secondary resources was expanded broadly. Having the progresses mentioned above, however, some problems in resource saving in China remain, mainly representing in the following aspects: first, the importance of savings in energy and mineral resources and comprehensive utilization has not been paid high attention around China; second, there is lack of perfect regulation and policies in resource savings; third, the policy - oriented role in renewable resource products has not been strongly played; fourth, the technologies and equipments for resource savings were far behind the practical requirements; finally, the extent of industrialized resource savings were very low. Authors argued that its consumption intensities of energy and mineral resources in China are still very low in comparison to those of some advanced countries in the world. There are six aspects of resource saving potentials as follows: 1 ) improving industrial structure adjustment and upgrade; 2)accelerating technology innovation and reconstruction; 3 ) raising comprehensive utilization of resources; 4) raising resources recycle rates; 5)reducing the product consumptions per unit, and 6)recycling secondary resources. To play the to earn obvious achievements, it is necessary to enhance the knowledge related legal systems, strength resources management, rationalize resources mechanism, and not the last boost the development of circular economy in potentials mentioned above and of resources savings, improve prices, play the role of market China.
出处 《资源科学》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2005年第6期23-27,共5页 Resources Science
基金 国土资源部信息中心全球资源战略研究开发实验室资助课题"我国资源节约战略与管理机制研究"部分成果之一(编号:2005-03-2005T-03)
关键词 矿产资源 节约 潜力 Mineral resources Savings Potentials
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