
保护管理权交易:非自然保护区所有的土地管理问题之探讨——以盐城自然保护区为例 被引量:4

Conservation Easement: One Potential Way to Protect Biodiversity in the Land Non-Belonging to Nature Reserves:A Case Study in Yancheng Nature Reserve
摘要 土地权属不清是我国自然保护区普遍面临的重大问题之一,这给保护区的管理带来许多困难。而我国是一个正处于高速发展时期的人口大国,土地压力非常大,因此,约占国土面积14%的保护区不可能获得完全的土地权。本文在这样的背景条件下,探讨在没有土地使用权或仅拥有部分土地权的情况下,应用ConservationEasement(保护管理权交易)对自然保护区进行管理的可行性。本文以盐城自然保护区为研究地,采用问卷调查和实地访谈的方式,对保护管理权交易在生态、自然条件、生产方式转换及经济等方面的可行性进行了分析。鉴于篇幅所限,重点对经济可行性进行了分析和论证,得出在该地实施保护管理权交易需要一次性投入254×104元,每年投入203×104元。而经费可以通过当地财政、保护区管理局及国际保护组织等多渠道获得。基于上述分析,得出该管理模式对于解决没有土地权的非核心区管理具有可行性。继而对保护管理权交易模式可能遇到的长期资金来源、土地权属制度及税收制度等限制因素进行了探讨并给出了相应的解决建议。 So far, the area of nature reserves has accounted for 14% of the national territory, which is quite higher than the average level of 10% worldwide. Considering China is in the stage of high economic growth and thus bears serious press coming from land utilization, it's difficult to get whole land property rights once a certain area is designated as a nature reserve either through government regulated approach or through simple fee purchasing. Under this context, many of nature reserves have no or only have parts of land property rights, which lead to tremendous management troubles. How to conserve those biodiversity in the land within a nature reserve, but not owned by the reserve? In this paper we will discuss the feasibility of using conservation easement to deal with this problem, furthermore some implementation suggestions will be proposed. Yancheng Nature Reserve, which is the largest wintering habitat for red-crowned crane in the world and has very important position in the world biodiversity conservation, was chosen as the case study area. Based on the 22 questionnaires surveyed with households, numerous interviews with local officials and managers of the reserve, the feasibility of applying conservation easement to solve the property rights problem of Yancheng Nature Reserve was analyzed from the following aspects: ecological feasibility, that is, from ecological viewpoint whether those lands intended to be conserved through easement have highest priority of conservation value or not; natural condition feasibility, that is, whether those drying lands could be resumed wetland for waterfowl to inhabit or not; feasibility of farming approach transition, whether present farming approach could be changed into environmental friendly one and compatible with conservation or not; economic feasibility, whether the nature reserve could get enough money by all kinds of financial sources to compensate community and keep management cost as low as possible or not. Because the article space is limited, for the former three kinds of aspects, our analysis is relative simple and we will focus on the last one, the economic feasibility analysis. According to the questionnaire and interviews, the cost of land use change was calculated as 254 × 10^4 Yuan for one-off payment and 203 ×10^4 Yuan for annual compensation. The transaction cost, including the possible cost of negotiation in contacting and monitoring in implementation, was analyzed qualitatively. Furthermore, the budget sources were discussed and suggested, including local finance department, Yancheng Nature Reserve and international conservation organizations. In the end, it was concluded that conservation easement could be applied in Yancheng Nature Reserve to solve the problem effectively. Finally, aiming at other restrictive factors, such as shortage of capital, land institutes and taxation institutes concerned to conservation easement, some suggestions were proposed for supporting the application of conservation easement in China.
出处 《资源科学》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2005年第6期95-102,共8页 Resources Science
基金 联合国教科文组织ASPACO项目 自然科学基金(编号:40271032) 加拿大国家开发署(CIDA)的资助
关键词 保护管理权交易 土地权 自然保护区 盐城自然保护区 Conservation easement Land property Nature reserve Yaneheng Nature Reserve
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