
美国西部发展对中国西部大开发的启示 被引量:9

Lessons from Development of the U.S.West to China's "Go-West" Campaign
摘要 19世纪中期,为发展经济、壮大国防,新生的美国政府制定了一系列政策法令鼓励向西部移民,兴修水利,发展农业,修建铁路,开发森林、矿产及土地资源,大大促进了西部地区的发展。至20世纪初,美国一跃成为世界工业经济与军事强国。然而,对西部资源掠夺式的开发行为对生态环境造成了巨大危害,不平等的民族政策严重地损害了土著文化传统,土地投机和完全的市场导向引起了严重的两极分化。本文简要回顾了美国西部开发的过程,比较了中美两国西部开发的异同点,借鉴美国西部开发的经验与教训,提出了对中国西部大开发的几点启示:①重视环境教育,调整思想认识;②加强资源保护,改善生态环境;③制订优惠政策,规范开发行为;④发挥市场导向,重视政府调控;⑤增加资金投入,搞好基础设施;⑥发展教育事业,推进科技创新;⑦坚持民族平等,实现共同富裕。 During the middle of the 19^th century, the young America started to explore and develop its western territory for economic development and national security. The federal government passed a series of laws and regulations to promote western settlement and resource development, including privatization of public lands, development of large irrigation projects, construction of railroads, harvest of forests, drainage of wetlands, and mining of mineral resources. By the beginning of the twenties century, the United States had become one of the industrialized economic and military superpowers in the world. However, the pursuit for maximum profit by market economy had led to the gross depletion of the natural resources and caused severe damages to the ecosystems of the U.S. West., The establishment of “reserved land” for ative Americans largely destroyed their culture and habitat. The speculation and privatization of public lands also caused polarization of wealth and income distribution. This paper reviews the developmental process of the U.S. West during the 19th century, and discusses its implications to China's “go-west” campaign. By comparing the U.S. and China west development processes, the paper makes the following suggestions to China's “go-west” campaign: 1 ) Implementation of mandatory environmental education programs for shifting citizens'paradigm on environment; 2 ) Enforcement of environmental policy and regulations for environmental protection; 3) Establishment of appropriate policies and regulations for encouragement and management of development processes; 4) Promotion of government policy-guided market economy; 5 ) Enhancement of capital investment for improvement of basic infrastructures; 6) Extension of both formal and informal education enterprises for human capacity building; 7) Implementation of equality and improvement of the welfare for all ethnic groups.
出处 《资源科学》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2005年第6期188-193,共6页 Resources Science
基金 国家软科学项目(编号:2003DGS3B039)
关键词 开发 美国西部 中国西部大开发 移民 可持续发展 Exploration Western U.S. settlement Western China development Sustainability
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