Advances in systems biology of tumour
Foreign Medical Sciences (Cancer Section)
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5Bentley DR. Genome for medicine. Nature,2004,429 (6990) :440-445.
6Austin CP. The impact of the completed human genome sequence on the development of novel therapeutics for human disease. Annu Rev Med,2004,55:1-13.
7Westerhoff HV, Palsson BO. The evolution of molecular biology into systems biology. Nat Biotechnol,2004,22 (10) :1249-1252.
8Hood L. A personal view of molecular technology and how it has changed biology. J Proteome Res,2002,1 (5) :399-409.
9Kitano H. Systems biology: a brief overview. Science, 2002, 295( 5560 ): 1662-1664.
10Weston AD, Hood L. Systems biology, proteomics, and the future of health care: toward predictive, preventative, and personalized medicine. J Proteome Res,2004,3 (2) :179-196.