Foreign Medical Sciences(Section of Endocrinology)
1Farwell AP,Dubord-Tomasetti SA,Pietrzykowski AZ,et al. Regulation of cerebellar neuronal migration and neurite outgrowth by thyroxine and 3,3′ ,5′-triiodothyronine. Brain Res Dev Brain Res,2005,154:121-135.
2Hong YD, Wade M, Williams A, et al. Molecular insight into the effects of hypothyroidism on the developing cerebellum. Biochem Biophys Res Commun, 2005,330:1182-1193.
3Herrick TM, Cooper JA. High affinity binding of Dab l to Reelin receptors promotes normal positioning of upper layer cortical plate neurons.Brain Res Mol Brain Res,2004,126:121-128.
4Beffert U, Weeber EJ, Morfini G, et al. Reelin and cyclin-dependent kinase 5-dependent signals cooperate in regulating neuronal migration and synaptic transmission. J Neurosci,2004,24:1897-1906.
5Huang Y, Shah V, Liu T, et al. Signaling through Disabled 1 requires phosphoinositide binding. Biochem Biophys Res Commun, 2005, 331:1460-1468.
6Morimura T,Hattori M,Ogawa M,et al. Disabled1 regulates the intracellular trafficking of reelin receptors. J Biol Chem,2005,280:16901-16908.
7Koibuchi N, Jingu H, Iwasaki T, et al. Current perspectives on the role of thyroid hormone in growth and development of cerebellum. Cerebellum,2003,2: 279-289.
8Manzano J, Morte B, Scanlan TS, et al. Differential effects of triiodothyronine and the thyroid hormone receptor beta-specific agonist GC-1 on thyroid hormone target genes in the brain. Endocrinology, 2003,144:5480-5487.
9Borghesani PR, Peyrin JM, Klein R, et al. BDNF stimulates migration of cerebellar granule cells. Development, 2002,129:1435-1442.
10Koibuchi N, Yanaoka S, Chin WW. Effect of altered thyroid status on neurotrophin gene expression during postnatal development of the mouse cerebellum. Thyroid, 2001,11: 205-210.
1S. Dasgupta,J. A. Adams,E. L. Hogan.Maternal Alcohol Consumption Increases Sphingosine Levels in the Brains of Progeny Mice[J]. Neurochemical Research . 2007 (12)
2Pasquini JM,Adamo AM.Thyriod hormones and the centralnervous system. Developmental Neuroscience . 1994
3Nathaniel EJ,Hassard T,Burton L,et al.Effect of exoge-nous thyroxine on the development of the Purkinje cell infetal alcohol effects in the rat. Experimental and Molecular Pathology . 1999
4Paxinos G,Watson C.The rat brain in stereotaxic coordi-nates. . 2006
5Hao W,Chen H,Su Z.China:alcohol today. Addiction . 2005
6Jin F,Chung YY,Park SK.Effect of maternal thyroxinetreatment on the offspring’’s brain development with fetalalcohol effects in the rats. Korean J Pediatr . 2006
7Ramadoss J,,Lunde ER,Pi觡a KB,et al.All threetrimester binge alcohol exposure causes fetal cerebellarpurkinje cell loss in the presence of maternal hypercapnea,iagonal,and normoxemia:ovine modelAlcoholism Clinical and Experimental Research,2007.
8Lindholm D,Hamner S,Zirrgiebel U.Neurotrophins andcerebellar development. Perspectives on Developmental Neurobiology . 1997
9Camboni D,Roskoden T,Schwegler H.Effect of earlythyroxine treatment on brain-derived neurotrphic factormRNA expression and protein amount in the rat medialseptum/iagonal band of Broca. Neuroscience Letters . 2003
10J Hankin.Fetal alcohol syndrome prevention research. Alcohol Research & Health . 2002
1金福,金正勇,丁允英,许春花.外源性甲状腺素对胎儿酒精效果出生后大鼠小脑发育的改善作用[J].临床儿科杂志,2011,29(8):760-765. 被引量:1
2陆琳,李梦薇,陈金燕,王妙芳,刘凤荣,方漫.东莞市厚街地区473例正常孕妇不同妊娠期甲状腺功能变化研究[J].现代诊断与治疗,2015,26(8):1699-1700. 被引量:2
1董文红,赵洁,赵佳夕,徐琳琳,许雅君.外源性核苷酸对酒精发育毒性的拮抗作用[J].北京大学学报(医学版),2012,44(3):426-430. 被引量:2
2黄文彩,邓黎,陈载鑫,付文金,蒋友明,方海畴,王少波,文海燕,徐维利.东莞厚街地区育龄妇女碘营养状况及妊娠中期甲状腺激素参考值的探讨[J].国际检验医学杂志,2017,38(2):160-162. 被引量:6
3王莹莹,王娜.健康孕妇甲状腺激素波动变化规律及其影响因素的探讨[J].中国妇幼保健,2019,34(5):1197-1200. 被引量:7
1关琦.原发性甲状腺机能减退症与心脏损害[J].内蒙古医学杂志,2003,35(1):33-33. 被引量:3
2张伟利,钟美萍,吴圣楣.颅脑超声测量新生婴儿小脑[J].中国超声医学杂志,1997,13(9):52-53. 被引量:1
4史淋峰,朱萱萱.中医药治疗慢性萎缩性胃炎中对胃肠激素调节的研究进展[J].中华中医药学刊,2011,29(10):2242-2246. 被引量:15
5沈菊芳,邱海波.糖皮质激素调节急性呼吸窘迫综合征血管外肺水生成和清除的研究进展[J].国外医学(呼吸系统分册),2005,25(7):512-514. 被引量:2
6赵劲松,王锦权,陶晓根.危重症患者应激性高血糖的研究进展[J].中国临床保健杂志,2006,9(5):516-518. 被引量:8
8李复红,杨德昌.慢性阻塞性肺疾病急性加重期伴甲功异常42例临床分析[J].实用医技杂志,2007,14(21):2945-2946. 被引量:3
10李芬,蔡玉龙,许乐,肖锐,刘亮,李巍.白藜芦醇对酒精暴露致新生小鼠小脑发育损伤的保护作用[J].第三军医大学学报,2017,39(2):157-162. 被引量:1