Foreign Medical Sciences(Section of Endocrinology)
1Toker A, Newton AC. Akt/protein kinase B is regulated by autophosphorylation at the hypothetical PDK-2 site. J Biol Chem, 2000, 275: 8271-8274.
2Troussard AA, Mawji NM, Ong C, et al. Conditional knock-out of integrin-linked kinase demonstrates an essential role in protein kinase B/Akt activation. J Biol Chem,2003,278:22374-22378.
3Xu J,Liao K.Protein kinase B/AKT1 plays a pivotal role in insulin-like growth factor-1 receptor signaling induced 3T3-L1 adipocyte differentiation. J Biol Chem,2004,279:35914-35922.
4Wilson EM, Tureckova J, Rotwein P. Permissive roles of phosphatidyl inositol 3-kinase and Akt in skeletal myocyte maturation. Mol Biol Cell,2004,15:497-505.
5Bernal-Mizrachi E, Wen W, Stahlhut S, et al. Islet β cell expression of constitutively active Akt1/PKBα induces striking hypertrophy, hyperplasia, and hyperinsulinemia. J Clin Invest, 2001,108:1631-1638.
6Cho H,Thorvaldsen J, Chu Q,et al. Akt1/PKBα is required for normal growth but dispensable for maintenance of glucose homeostasis in mice. J Biol Chem, 2001,276: 38349-38352.
7Jetton TL, Liu YQ, Trotman WE, et al. Enhanced expression of insulin receptor substrate-2 and activation of protein kinase B/Akt in regeneratng pancreatic duct epithelium of 60% -partial pancreatectomy rats. Diabetologia, 2001,44: 2056-2065.
8Aikin R, Rosenberg L, Maysinger D. Phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase signaling to Akt mediates survival in isolated canine islets of Langerhans.Biochem Biophys Res Commun,2000,277:455-461.
9Bernal-Mizrachi E, Fatrai S, Johnson JD, et al. Defective insulin secretion and increased susceptibility to experimental diabetes are induced by reduced Akt activity in pancreatic islet β cells. J Clin Invest,2004,114:928-936.
10Cho H, Mu J, Kim JK, et al. Insulin resistance and a diabetes mellituslike syndrome in mice lacking the protein kinase Akt2 (PKBβ). Science, 2001,292:1728-1731.
2杜骁杰,倪华,王玲,郑峰,胡丹,王长军,潘秀珍.2型猪链球菌丝氨酸/苏氨酸激酶对细菌生物学特性的影响[J].中国人兽共患病学报,2014,30(11):1166-1168. 被引量:3
3周开宇,毛天明,陈茜,罗永康.苦参碱对人髓母细胞瘤D341细胞凋亡及相关蛋白表达的影响[J].中国病理生理杂志,2014,30(4):629-634. 被引量:10
4王娟,陈莉明,孙红喜,郭俊,温娟娟.CDKAL1基因rs7754860位点G<C多态性与2型糖尿病易感关系的Meta分析[J].中国组织工程研究,2012,16(20):3779-3783. 被引量:1
5王碧涵,杨万章.AKT信号通路与干细胞增殖[J].中西医结合心脑血管病杂志,2013,11(9):1113-1115. 被引量:4
6张科强,刘一.MAPK通路在冲击波诱导MSCs向成骨细胞分化中的作用[J].山东医药,2008,48(7):114-115. 被引量:2
7李慧,高春芳.结缔组织生长因子在肝病中的研究进展[J].现代免疫学,2012,32(3):253-256. 被引量:4
8孔莺,亓小改,白沛松,南克俊.细胞周期相关新基因CACUL1对培养的结直肠癌细胞凋亡的影响[J].细胞与分子免疫学杂志,2013,29(5):462-464. 被引量:2
9岳朝艳,马妍慧,沈立松.新型免疫抑制因子IL-35研究新进展[J].国际免疫学杂志,2012,35(1):18-21. 被引量:8
10顾玉,王昕,郭家智,王雅楠,王芳,李树德.同型半胱氨酸对小鼠骨骼肌组织PDK1的影响[J].昆明医学院学报,2012,33(2):40-44. 被引量:3