

The Design and Implementation of a QoS Expert System for VoIP Network Based on Artificial Intelligence
摘要 设计并实现了一个基于人工智能的VoIP网络QoS(服务质量)分析的专家系统。首先叙述了系统的总体架构,说明该系统的原始数据来自于探针从各地市VoIP网络采集后由FTP定时传送过来的通信数据。详细分析了专家系统中5个关键部分的实现策略:全局数据库的表分区技术及关联映射机制,解释器的规则配置原理,处理器的推理原则,专家知识库知识的来源及配置和人机接口的简便性。实际运行效果表明:该系统的设计是智能和高效的。 A QoS( quality of service) expert system for VolP network is proposed ,which is based on the artificial intelligence technology. We firstly describe the main architecture of this system, and then depict that the original inputting data come from probes which collect communication data and send them to our system through FTP (file transfer protocol) periodically. What we analyse detailedly are the implementation strategies of five key parts of this expert system, including the table partition mechanism and associated structure in the global database, the principles of the rule configure in an explainer, the rational rules of the processor, the source of the expert knowledge database and how to configure in an explainer, the rational rules of the processor, the source of the expert knowledge database and how to configure it and the convenience of the interface between people and machine. The actual running condition proves that this system is intelligent and efficient.
出处 《南京邮电学院学报(自然科学版)》 EI 2005年第5期6-10,共5页 Journal of Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications
基金 国家高科技'八六三'计划(2003AA121560)资助项目
关键词 人工智能 专家系统 表分区 专家知识库 Artificial intelligence Expert system Table partition Expert knowledge database
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