

Five Land-related Issues in the Draft of Property Law
摘要 Since July10,2005, the Draft of Property Lawhas been published in fulltosolicitpublicopinionbywidely diverging views to prompt law-makers.There are fiveland-related issues in theDraft of PropertyLaw. First,whentheconstruction-landuserightexpires,howshouldthebuildingandits accessoryonitbe dealt with? Second, before the laws and regulations on unified registration of real estate arepublished, it isstipulated that thepersonconcerned could applies for registrations of house-ownedandland use rights together. In fact, from the scientific and legal view, it is a greatly difficult to do so.Therefore, this Provision should be deleted. Third, in the Draft, it is stipulated that citizens areforbidden to buy construction-land in rural areas. This Provision is very reasonable. Forth, the Draftshould enhance the protection on theuserights ofcontractedland. Fifth, there isnodefinition of PublicInterest and Reasonable Compensation, Appropriate Arrangement, which should be defined inprinciplesintheDraft. Since July10,2005, the Draft of Property Lawhas been published in fulltosolicitpublicopinionbywidely diverging views to prompt law-makers.There are fiveland-related issues in theDraft of PropertyLaw. First,whentheconstruction-landuserightexpires,howshouldthebuildingandits accessoryonitbe dealt with? Second, before the laws and regulations on unified registration of real estate arepublished, it isstipulated that thepersonconcerned could applies for registrations of house-ownedandland use rights together. In fact, from the scientific and legal view, it is a greatly difficult to do so.Therefore, this Provision should be deleted. Third, in the Draft, it is stipulated that citizens areforbidden to buy construction-land in rural areas. This Provision is very reasonable. Forth, the Draftshould enhance the protection on theuserights ofcontractedland. Fifth, there isnodefinition of PublicInterest and Reasonable Compensation, Appropriate Arrangement, which should be defined inprinciplesintheDraft.
出处 《国土资源》 2005年第11期33-35,共3页 Land & Resources
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