人民民主专政是对人民实行民主 ,对敌人实行专政 ,是民主制度和专政制度的结合 ,是民主和专政的有机统一。人民民主专政要求国家的一切权力属于人民 ,人民是社会的主人、国家的主人翁 ,享有充分的民主权利 ,享有完全的人权。人民民主专政 ,真正体现了人民当家作主的精神 ,是人民行使各种权利的根本保证 ,是保障人民群众人权的全新的国家机器。只有人民民主专政 ,人民的人权才能得以真正的实现。
The system of People Democracy Dictorship os the practice of the democracy to the people and the dictatorship to the enemy. It combines the democratic with the dictatorship. The system requests the whole powers of the nation belong to the people. The people are the national masters who share the sufficient rights of democ- racy and complete human rights. It is the embodiment of the people's spirit as the national masters, is the fundamental guarantee of the people executing their rights, is the new national machine which protect the people's human rights. The people's human rights won't be realized until the system is executed.
Journal of Shanxi Politics and Law Institute for Administrators