
足球教学中注意力焦点学习效果的评价 被引量:4

Research on Evaluation of Effectiveness of Focus Study in Football Teaching
摘要 主要研究的是注意力焦点集中在内部和外部时,对于学习踢球动作的影响。挑选出没有踢过球的30个被试者,随机分为三组,要求他们把一个球踢进一个目标。实践阶段由60次练习组成。要求第一组测试者把注意力集中在自己的动作上(内部的注意力焦点),另一组则集中在外部的目标上(外部的注意力焦点),第三组则没有做出要求。第二天,在没有任何提示的情况下,对三组进行测试,结果发现,第一组即把注意力集中在自己动作上的被试者无论在技术的效果上还是技术的保留痕迹上都优于其他两组。 This study explored the inside and outside of attention focus and its impacts on learning playing football. 30 participants without experience in soccer were selected and classified by random into three groups. They were required to practice kicking a ball into a target. The practice phase consisted of 60 practice trials. One group was asked to focus on their own movements (internal focus). Another group was required to focus on the target (external target). The third group practiced without attention instructions. One day after practice, a retention test of 10 trials without instructions was performed. The results showed that the external-focus condition was more effective for performance during both practice and retention.
作者 刘常伟 马克
出处 《北京体育大学学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2005年第11期1549-1551,共3页 Journal of Beijing Sport University
关键词 教学 足球 注意力 焦点 指示 效果 评价 motor learning instructions soccer attentional focus effective
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