
基于动态区间映射的数据对象布局算法 被引量:16

A Data Object Placement Algorithm Based on Dynamic Interval Mapping
摘要 高效、可伸缩的数据管理在大规模分布存储系统中日益重要,关键是需要一种能够自动适应存储节点增加或减少的灵活、均衡和可伸缩的数据对象布局与定位方法.提出了一种基于动态区间映射的数据对象布局算法,在均衡数据分配和最少迁移数据方面都是统计意义上最优的,并且支持按照存储节点的权重分配数据和任意的数据对象副本. Efficient and scalable data management becomes increasingly important in large-scale distributed storage systems. A key enabling technique is a flexible, balancing and scalable data object placement and location scheme that automatically adapts to the additions or departures of storage nodes. In this paper, a data object placement algorithm based on dynamic interval mapping is proposed, which is probabilistically optimal in both distributing data evenly and minimizing data movement when storage nodes is changed. Moreover, this algorithm supports weighted allocation of the storage nodes and variable levels of the object replication.
作者 刘仲 周兴铭
出处 《软件学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2005年第11期1886-1893,共8页 Journal of Software
基金 国家自然科学基金~~
关键词 动态区间映射 数据布局 对象存储 均衡分布 可伸缩 dynamic interval mapping data placement object storage balanced distribution scalable
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