目的 研究不孕及孕产不良与妇女沙眼衣原体感染关系。 方法 筛选妇女具 有不孕者61例、自发流产47例、宫外孕史者18例共126例,均伴有生殖泌尿系统感染症状,同 时从正常人群中随机抽取30例做对照组,取材为宫颈柱状上皮细胞,应用荧光定量PCR方法测 定病原体的感染情况: 结果 不孕组、自发流产组、宫外孕组CT阳性检出率分别为29.51% (18/61)、31.91%(15/47)、44.44%(8/18),明显高于对照组6.67%(2/30),差异有显 著性(P<0.01,P<0.005) 结论 沙眼衣原体是造成妇女生殖异常韵主要病原体,CT荧光定 量PCR方法是对具有生殖异常史的妇女进行沙眼衣原体检测的首选方法。
Objective To investigate the relationship between Chlamydia Trachomatis infection and abnormal reproductive outcomes. Methods A total of 126 women with an abnormal reproductive history (infertility, 61 cases; spontaneous abortion, 47 cases; ectopic pregnancy, 18 cases)with symptoms of reproductive and urinary tract infection and 30 randomly selected controls were enrolled. Epithlia samples were collected from the cervix with a cotton swab, and were tested for Chlamydia Trachomatis by real-time quantitative detection PCR. Rsults The positive rates among women with fertility(29.51%), spontaneous abortion (31.91%) and ectopic pregnancy (44.44 %) were significantly higher than that of the control group (6.67 %). Conclusion Chlamydia Trachomatia infection is associated with selected abnormal reproductive outcomes, and real-time quantitative F-PCR can be considered as the primary choice in detecting Chlamydia trachomatis infection in clinical setting.
Chinese Journal of Reproductive Health