《雾里看伦敦》是冯骥才20世纪80年代初期访问英国伦敦之后创作的一部散文集。从“他者”镜像的角 度研究发现,正是在这部散文集中,冯骥才表现出文化保守主义与文学现代主义两种互相矛盾的观念,这种矛盾恰 恰反映了现代性的两种互相矛盾又彼此依存的性质,即表现为现代性与自我批判的现代性。现代性的这一特征, 使得冯骥才突破了散文模式化书写,在文体上促使一种具有反思性主体的文化散文产生的同时,也从思想上为散 文书写增添了审美张力,从而对新时期以来的散文书写产生了重要影响。
Feng Jicai wrote the book Looking on London in Fog after his visit to London in the 1980s. In terms of the theory of other' s mirror image, it is found that there are two contradictory concepts which are cultural conservatism and literary modernism in his prose. These two concepts are two faces of modernity; they contradict and depend on each other. Feng Jicai broke through the model of prose by the modernity concept. He not only creates self-examined cultural prose, but also makes prose writing more aesthetic-tensive. In brief, Feng Jicai' s early prose writing has produced important effect since New Period.
Journal of Tianjin University:Social Sciences