
基于最短路的复杂配电网可靠性评估分块算法 被引量:47

Reliability Evaluation of Large Scale Distribution Systems Using the Shortest Path Algorithm and Section Technique
摘要 配电网具有闭环设计、开环运行、网络中配置的开关相对较少的特点。基于该特点,应用最短路方法和分块技术提出大规模复杂配电网可靠性评估算法。给出配电网馈线末端节点、边界节点的定义以及块的定义和性质。基于最短路提出配电网分块形成算法,进而提出配电网可靠性评估算法。故障模拟时,文中方法以“块”为单位代替常规方法以“元件”为单位进行分析,利用最短路法确定开关元件的影响范围,节省了大量重复的开关元件搜索时间。应用该算法对RBTS及大量实际工程系统进行了可靠性评估,算例表明该算法具有高效性和工程实用性。 Distribution systems (DSs) are usually designed with closed-loop structure and a few switches and operated with open-loop structure. An efficient reliability evaluation algorithm for complex radial DSs is proposed using section technique and the shortest path algorithm (SPA) in this paper in terms of the characteristics above. The definitions of feeder-terminal-node and bound-node as well as section-of-component (SOC) are then presented. And the reliability evaluation algorithm based on SOCs using SPA for DSs are further proposed. In the calculating process, the calculating unit of DSs is not the component used in the conventional method but the SOC and the SPA is used to identify the controlled area of the switches. The proposed algorithm has the advantage of avoiding repeated search for the controlled area of switches, thus greatly reducing the time consumption for enumerating the failure events. Test results of RBTS and a number of practical DSs show the effectiveness and engineering applicability of the proposed method.
出处 《电力系统自动化》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2005年第22期39-44,共6页 Automation of Electric Power Systems
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(50307015 50577072)重庆市自然科学基金资助项目(2003-7951)~~
关键词 复杂配电网络 可靠性评估 最短路算法 分块技术 complex distribution systems reliability evaluation the shortest path algorithm section technique
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