风云四号(FY-4)气象卫星正在进行预先研究,其扫描辐射计具有通道多、空间分辨率高、配准精度高等特点,通道配准难度较大。通道配准测量的结果是通道配准的重要参考依据。PSD(Position Sensitive Detector)是一种新型的横向光电效应器件,具有测量精度高、检测时不受入射光斑及焦点偏离的影响等特点,非常适合通道配准测量使用。基于PSD的扫描辐射计通道配准测量系统测量精度高,有效测量范围大,达到了扫描辐射计通道配准测量的要求。
As the improvement of the Weather-satellite's resolution, it is more difficult to assemble the more and more detectors. The result of channel-to-channel measuring is one factor of the most important ,to assemble the detector, so it is essential to design the high-precision position detector. Two-dimension PSD, high-precision, free from the departure focus, is a new component based on the duolateral effect, and fit well to align the sensors assembled on the satellite. The Channel-to-Channel alignment detector based on PSD, having a high position resolution, will cater to the channel-to-channel alignment of radiometers.
Infrared Technology