
风雨巴山遗恨远 至今人念大将军——《革命军》著者邹容牺牲100周年祀

Sacrifice to Zou Rong, Author of "Revolutionary Army" Dies in the Centenary Anniversary
摘要 2005年是《革命军》作者邹容牺牲100周年,也是他诞辰120周年,谨以重读《革命军》之心得祀之。100年前,在《革命军》中,邹容自号革命军中马前卒,抒发他献身中国革命、献身中华民族的远大志向;阐述了革命的正义性、必然性、紧迫性;鲜明提出了建立独立自由的中华共和国的革命目标和纲领。邹容的革命精神和光辉思想永垂青史,他热爱人民的赤子精神,博采新知的学习精神,追求真理的献身精神,勇于创新的革命精神,永远鼓舞着巴山儿女创造美好的未来。 This year is Zou Rong, author of “revolutionary army” dies centenary anniversary, and the 120th anniversary of his birth. We offer sacrifice to him by rereading “revolutionary army”. 100 years ago, in “Revolutionary Army” Zou Rong named himself the pawn in the revolutionary army, expressed the lofty aspiration that he dedicated himself to China' s revolution and Chinese nation, explained the just, certainty and urgency of revolution, put forward the revolutionary goal and guiding principle of setting up free Chinese repulblic distinctly. Zou Rong' s revolutionary spirit and glory thought are ever remembered in the annals of history. His spirit of a newborn baby of loving the people, his learning spirit of collecting new knowledge, his dedicative spirit of pursuing the truth, his revolutionary spirit of innovation, encourage the Bashan people creating beautiful future forever.
出处 《重庆大学学报(社会科学版)》 2005年第4期80-83,共4页 Journal of Chongqing University(Social Science Edition)
关键词 邹容 革命军 革命精神 政治思想 Zou Rong “revolutionary army” revolutionary spirit political idea
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