
模糊信息与ERP融合应用的关键技术 被引量:1

Key Techniques for Integrating Fuzzy Information into ERP
摘要 以模糊数据与ERP的融合应用为背景,探讨了关系数据库上模糊数据库表的设计及相关的数据处理技术。与先前所提出的对预先确定的模糊子集直接“保存-提取”的方式不同,通过一个实例———“剩余库存消耗天数预测”展示了一种以灵活的模糊查询为目标,“在查询时构建模糊集”的模糊数据库表设计。在所提出的数据库表中可减少对应于各预设模糊集的冗余记录。结合所提出的数据库表,探讨了模糊数据的归一化、排序、查询等处理方法与技术。 Under the background of integrating fuzzy information into ERP, the concerns of fuzzy database design and related fuzzy data processing techniques on RDB are discussed. In contrast to the previous store-and-retrieve model of pre-defined fuzzy sets, a data table design which aims to more flexible query, or “fuzzy-set-construction on retrieval” , is presented via a case study, the remaining inventory consumption day forecast. In such data tables, there is no need to keep additional record for various fuzzy subsets. With connection to the proposed database table, the processing methods and techniques for normalization, ranking and inquiry on fuzzy information are also discussed.
出处 《计算机应用研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2005年第12期91-93,115,共4页 Application Research of Computers
关键词 模糊集 ERP融合 模糊关系数据库 灵活查询 Fuzzy Set ERP Integration Fuzzy Relational DataBase (FRDB) Flexible Query
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