
重组病毒巨噬细胞炎性蛋白抗SIVmac251的体外研究 被引量:1

In vitro evaluation the effects of recombinant voral macrophage inflammatory protein-Ⅱ against sIVmac251.
摘要 目的研究重组病毒巨噬细胞炎性蛋白vMIP体外抗猴艾滋病毒SIVmac作用效果和机制。方法分别在SIVmac接种前后将敏感细胞系与重组vMIP作用,检测细胞系病变(CPE)情况和病毒滴度水平,培养上清P27抗原水平。结果先用重组vMIP处理过的细胞,病毒感染后细胞病变程度很轻,培养上清P27抗原和病毒滴度水平明显低于对照组,先感染病毒再用重组vMIP处理组,病毒P27抗原水平和细胞内病毒滴度水平也显著降低,但降低程度不如先用重组vMIP处理后感染病毒组。结论重组vMIP有明显的抑制病毒进入靶细胞和保护靶细胞免受病毒感染的作用,进入靶细胞的抑制作用强于对已感染细胞的病毒抑制作用;说明主要作用机制为阻止病毒进入靶细胞,同时可能也通过某种机制抑制细胞内SIVmac病毒的产生。 Objective To evaluate the inhibitive effect and mechanism of recombinant vMIP- Ⅱ aganist SIVmae251 in vitro, Methods CEM × 174 cell was innoculated with SIVmae before and after,then interact with recombinant vMIP.The inhibitory effect of vMIP on SIVmac-indueed eytophay,virus titer and SIV-P27 expression were evaluated,Results The cells which deal with vMIP in advance and the innoculated in advance then use vMIP,cytophay, virus titer and SIV-P27 expression are also lower control group, but the former inhibitive effect more than the latter, Coneluslon Recombinant vMIP-Ⅱ can inhibit apparently virus entry into target cell and exempt target cell from viral infection,The inhibitory effect of entry into target cell is stronger than infected,All these result strong indicated that main mechanism of vMIP is inhibitory viral entry into target cell, Meanwhile, there may be other mechanism to inhibit SIVmac production intra-celluar.
作者 闫莉 孙晗笑
出处 《四川医学》 CAS 2005年第11期1192-1194,共3页 Sichuan Medical Journal
基金 国家自然科学基金(30170881) 国家自然科学基金国际合作项目(30140420828)
关键词 重组病毒巨噬细胞炎性蛋白 vMIP SIV recombinant viral macrophage inflammatory protein recomb inant viral macrophage inflammatory protein simian immunodeficiency virus
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