

The Application of Diode Grid in Airborne Phased Array Radar
摘要 功能强大的电扫描相控阵雷达在机载雷达的应用已日趋广泛。针对电扫描相控阵雷达造价高、体积和重量大的问题,提出了一种新型的二极管栅格移相器技术,采用这种新技术可使移相器的数量由M×N个减少到M+N个。大大降低了机载雷达的成本和体积。 The electrical scanning phased array radar is more powerful in function than the traditional mechanic scan radar, it has widely used in airborne radar. As the phased array radar expensive in cost, large in size and heavy in weight, a new type of ferroeletric lens phase shifter technique has proposed. It will reduce the number of the phased array antennas unit from M×N to M+N, and will decrease its cost and size apparently.
出处 《弹箭与制导学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2005年第4期125-127,共3页 Journal of Projectiles,Rockets,Missiles and Guidance
关键词 机载雷达 二极管栅格 电扫描 移相器 相控阵天线 RADANT透镜 airborne radar diode grid electrical scanning phase shifter phased array antennas RADANT lens
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