
论生态经济及其发展 被引量:2

The Development of Eco-economy
摘要 广义的生态经济,是指地球生态圈内人类经济活动的总和,它涉及生态、经济、社会三大系统层面,是人类经济活动与生命支持系统协调可持续发展的经济模式。狭义的生态经济,是指人类为加强生态保护而采取的经济行为的总和。随着全球可持续发展战略的实施,生态经济以生态产业为标志、以生态产业园区的形成作为方向,正在进入快速成长时期。同时,也正向着产业生态化方向发展,即将生态园区的概念加以拓广,向前延伸到绿色原料、能源及工业无机环境的构建,向后延伸到消费领域。因此,发展生态经济应该注重生态营销策略研究,从而塑造企业的理念与形象,培育企业的品牌、传播企业文化、倡导绿色消费理念。 In broad ense eco- economy totals human activities in the earth eco - circle, including the economic pattem of mankind activities and life supporting system of sustainable development in three aspects of eco - environment, economy and society. In narrow sense, eco - economy totals the activities of protecting human environment. Following the global sustainable development strategy eco- economy has got into a high- speed growing plase represented by eco- industry and eco- industrial area in tile same time. eco - economy is going along with the eco - industrialized direction. Tire concept of eco - industrial area green raw materials, energy and indusfial inorganic environment. And besides it is also extended to the area of consumption. Therefore more attention should be given to the study of eco - marketing tactics with the objective of building corporate orientation and image, cultivating known brends, transmitting corporate culture and advocating green consumption.
作者 徐立新
机构地区 东北林业大学
出处 《商业研究》 北大核心 2005年第22期106-108,共3页 Commercial Research
关键词 生态经济 生态产业 生态工业园区 生态建设 eco - economy eco - industry eco - industrial area eco - construction
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