
抗条锈、抗穗发芽六倍体人工合成小麦Cereta/Aegilops tauschii783的SSR标记分析 被引量:9

Genetic Evaluation of a Synthetic Hexaploid Wheat Cereta/Aegilops tau schii783 with Resistances to Stripe Rust and Pre-harvest Sprouting by SSR Marker
摘要 Cereta/Aegilopstauschii783是由CIMMYT引进的硬粒小麦/节节麦人工合成种,具有高抗条锈和高抗穗发芽等优良特性。本文选用小麦A、B、D染色体组的91对SSR引物将人工合成小麦Cere-ta/Aegilopstauschii783与绵阳26在分子水平上进行了比较分析,结果表明:91对引物中有88对引物能扩增出清晰条带;88对引物中除3对引物外,86对引物(96.59%)均能揭示出Cereta/Aegilopstauschii783与绵阳26之间的差异。人工合成小麦Cereta/Aegilopstauschii783与育成小麦品种遗传差异很大,是丰富现代小麦遗传多样性的优异基因源;利用人工合成小麦Cereta/Aegilopstauschii783与绵阳26构建SSR标记群体,可有效标记双亲优良基因。 Cereta/A egilops tauschii783 (SYN786), a synthetic hexaploid wheat introduced from CIMMYT, possessed the resistances to stripe rust and pre-harvest sprouting. 91 specific SSR primers of A, B and D genomes were selected for evaluating the polymorphism between the synthetic hexaploid wheat SYN786 and a Sichuan commercial wheat variety Mingyang26 (MY26). 88 of 91 primers could be used for clear amplification patterns. The polymorphism between SYN786 and MY26 were detected by 86 of 88 primers. The results indicated that the genetic background between SYN786 and MY26 were great difference, and SYN786 should be a useful genetic resources to enhance the genetic diversity of the modern commercial wheat varieties.
出处 《分子植物育种》 CAS CSCD 2005年第6期810-814,共5页 Molecular Plant Breeding
基金 国家自然科学基金(30471061) 国家863科技攻关(2004BA525B03) 农业部948,四川省育种攻关、生物技术育种等项目资助。
关键词 人工合成小麦 节节麦 条锈病 穗发芽 微卫星DNA 遗传多样性 Synthetic wheat, A egilops tauschii, Stripe rust, Pre-harvest sprouting, Simple sequence repeat (SSR) DNA, Genetic diversity
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