
组织工程皮肤支架材料的研究与应用 被引量:3

Research and application of scaffold materials of tissue-engineered skin
摘要 目的:组织工程产品一般由具有活力的细胞和支架材料组成。支架材料包括人工合成的生物降解聚合物和天然生物衍生材料两大类,均具有促进细胞生长和增殖的特性。探索理想的支架材料是当前皮肤组织工程领域的热点,为此本文对组织工程皮肤支架材料的进展情况进行回顾。资料来源:应用计算机检索PubM ed和M edscape数据库1990-01/2004-12期间的相关文章,检索词“skin,artificial”,并限定文章语言种类为英文。同时计算机检索中国期刊全文数据库2002-01/2004-12期间的相关文章,检索词“皮肤,人工”,并限定文章语言种类为中文。资料选择:对资料进行初审,并查看每篇文献后的引文。纳入标准:文章所述内容应与组织工程皮肤支架材料研究相关。排除标准:重复研究或M eta分析类文章。资料提炼:共收集到61篇相关文献,27篇文献符合纳入标准,排除的34篇文献是由于内容陈旧或重复。资料综合:27篇文献涉及到不同类型的支架材料,包括人工合成的生物降解聚合物和天然生物衍生材料。人工合成的生物降解聚合物由于能在体内降解为小分子物质并通过机体代谢排出,且易于加工、具有良好的组织相容性、机械性能和降解速率的可控性,因此被广泛用作组织工程支架材料,常见的主要有聚乳酸、聚羟基乙酸以及它们的共聚物、聚亚氨酯、聚环氧乙烷等。天然生物衍生材料主要包括胶原、氨基匍聚糖、纤维蛋白凝胶、透明质酸、几丁质及脱细胞处理后的天然细胞外基质等。由于天然材料抗原性较弱,往往存在细胞表面受体的特异识别位点,不易引起免疫排斥反应,并可诱导调节细胞的生长和分化,同时也避免了人工合成材料在孔隙、空间结构等方面的制作难题,因此也被广泛用于组织工程支架材料。结论:支架材料包括人工合成的生物降解聚合物和天然生物衍生材料。天然生物衍生材料避免了人工合成材料在孔隙、空间结构等方面的制作难题,且来源丰富,制作较为简单,造价低廉,在组织相容性、理化性能及生物降解性等方面明显占优,但存在抗原性消除不确定、疾病传播隐患及降解速率不易控制等不足。目前尚未发现完美的支架材料,因此继续开展组织工程皮肤支架材料的研究是必要的。 OBJECTIVE: Tissue-engineered skins (TES) are composed of living cells and support structure called a scaffold commonly that comprises two types, biodegradable synthetic polymers and natural biological organism derived materials, which stimulate cell growth and multiplication. To explore the ideal scaffold materials is one of the popular studies on current skin tissue engineering. Thus, this article reviews the progress of scaffold materials of skin tissue engineering. DATA SOURCES: We searched the PubMed and Medscape database for the related articles published from January 1990 to December 2004, using the key words“skin, artificial”in English language. Meanwhile, using the same keywords in Chinese, we searched China Journal Full-text Database for related articles published from January 2002 to December 2004, STUDY SELECTION: Articles were selected in the first searching, and the quotations of every article were looked up. Inclusion criteria: The content of the articles should include the research on scaffold materials of skin tissue engineering. Exclusion criteria: The repetitive research or Meta analysis articles. DATA EXTRACTION: A total of 61 related articles were collected, in which 27 articles met inclusion criteria, and 34 old or repetitive articles were excluded. DATA SYNTHESIS: Various scaffolds were reviewed in twenty-seven articles, such as artificial biodegradable synthetic polymers and natural biological organism derived materials. The artificial biodegradable synthetic polymers were widely used in the scaffold material of tissue engineering, because it can degraded into mini-molecule substance in vivo and output by body metabolism; it was easy to be processed, and had good histocompatibility, mechanical function and controllable degraded velocity, mainly including polyactic acid, poly-glycolic acid and their homoconjugate, poly-anprolene, etc. The natural biological organism derived materials included mainly collagen, fibrin gelatum, hyalurnnic acid, chitin and natural extracellular matrix after acellular disposal, etc. It was also widely used in the scaffold materials of skin tissue engineering, because the natural materials had weak antigenicity and special recognition site of cell surface receptor, hard to cause immunological rejection, could. induce the growth, and differentiation of adjusted cells, meanwhile it also avoided fabrication problems hold by artificial synthetic materials in the aspect of gap and space structure, etc. CONCLUSION: The scaffold materials included artificial biodegradable synthetic polymers and natural biological organism derived materials. The natural biological organism derived materials avoid the fabrication problems hold by artificial synthetic materials in the aspect of gap and space structure, etc. with plenty source, simple fabrication and cheap cost. It has obvious advantage in the aspects of histocompatibility, ideal behavior and biodegradation, etc. However, it has disadvantage in the aspects of uncertain precluded antigenicity, hidden danger of disease emission and uncontrollable degradation velocity, etc. Perfect scaffold materials are still unknown at present. Thus, it is necessary to keep on exploring the suitability of tissuengineered skin scaffold materials.
作者 陈斌 郭永章
出处 《中国临床康复》 CSCD 北大核心 2005年第42期105-107,共3页 Chinese Journal of Clinical Rehabilitation
基金 云南省自然科学基金青年基金资助(2001C0035Q)~~
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