
未来的学习:开放、灵活和分布式学习——访国际远程教育知名专家巴德鲁尔·卡恩博士 被引量:4

Learning in the Future: Open, Flexible and Distributed Learning——An Interview with Dr. Badrul H. Khan
摘要 巴德鲁尔·卡恩博士(BadrulH.Khan)系美国乔治华盛顿大学(George Washington University)教育技术领导专业的副教授,该校教育技术领导研究生专业的首任主任。Khan博士曾任得克萨斯大学教育专业的副教授和教育技术研究生专业的主任,印第安那大学医学院的教学开发人员和测评专家。他在开放、灵活和分布式学习领域发表了大量具有国际影响的著作,包括《基于网络的教学》(Web-Based Instruction,1997)、《基于网络的培训》(Web-Based Training,2001)、《电子学习策略》(E.Learning Strategies,2004)、《管理电子学习》(ManagingE-Learning,2005),以及即将出版的《信息社会中的灵活性学习》(Flexible Learninginan Information Society)等,而且一些专著已被翻译成多种语言在非英语母语国家出版。此外,Khan博士还是美国《教育技术》的特约编委,加拿大《国际开放与远程学习研究评论》的顾问编委,以及阿拉伯联合酋长国《电子学习文摘》、巴西《远程教育评论》、印度《人力资源管理的媒体与技术》、意大利《电子学习与知识社会杂志》、英国《国际学习技术杂志》、印度《印度培训和发展杂志》等杂志的顾问委员会成员。 Dr. Badrul H. Khan is an international speaker, author, educator and consultant in the field of elearning and educational technology. Dr. Badrul H. Khan is associate professor of Educational Technology Leadership (ETL) at the George Washington University (GWU). Previously, he served as the founding Director of the ETL graduate cohort program at GWU. He also served as assistant professor of education and the founding Director of Educational Technology graduate program at the University of Texas, and served as instructional developer and evaluation specialist in the School of Medicine at Indiana University. He is famous for his research in open, flexible and distributed learning and has published a number of influential books in this field, including Web-Based Instruction ( 1997 ), Web-Based Training ( 2001 ) , E-Leasning Strategies ( 2004 ) , Managing E-Learning ( 2005 ) , and Flexible Learning in an Information Society ( in press), etc ,some of which have been published in multiple languages by publishers around the globe. In addition, he is a contributing editor of Educational Technology ( USA ), a consulting editor of The International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning ( Canada ), a member of the editorial advisory board of the eLearning Digest ( UAE), a member of the editorial board of Distance Education ( Australia), a member of the editorial board of Review of Education at Distance ( Brazil ), a member of editorial advisory board of Media and Technology for Human Resource Development ( India ), a member of the scientific committee of Journal of E-learning and Knowledge Society ( Italy ), a member of the advisory board of International Journal of Learning Technology ( UK) and a member of the advisory beard of Indian Journal of Training & Development (India). His homepage is at: http://BadrnlKhan, com/khan/
作者 张建伟
出处 《开放教育研究》 CSSCI 2005年第6期4-7,共4页 Open Education Research
关键词 电子学习 灵活学习 网络学习 电子学习课程 e-learning flexible learning web-based learning e-learning course
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