1Jessica M. Shedd. The History of the Student Credit Hour[J]. New Directions for Higher Education. Summer 2003, No. 122. 9, 6, 7.
2Frederick Rudolph. The American College and University-A History, Alfred A. Knopf Inc, 1962.
3Philip G. Altbach. Measuring academic progress:the course-credit system in American higher education [J].Higher education policy, 2001, 14.
4Jessic M. Shedd. The History of the Strdent Credit Hour [J]. New Directions for Higher Education. Summer 2003,No. 122.3-12.
5Philip G. Altbach. Measuring Academic Progress:the Course-Credit System in American Higher Education[J]. Higher Education Policy, 2001.39.
6Thomas Ehrlich. The Credit Hour and Faculty Instructional Workload[J]. New Directions for Higher Education. Summer 2003,No. 122.45-55.
7Jane V. Wellman. Accreditation and the Credit Hour[J]. New Directions for Higher Education. Summer 2003,No. 122.57-69.
8Jane V. Wellman. Of Time and the Feds :The Federal Interest in Enforcing the Credit Hour[J]. New Directions for Higher Education. Summer 2003,No. 122.71-81.