数据访问在基于Web的应用程序的开发中扮演着关键角色,而性能是我们在开发这种应用中应该考虑的关键因素。为了提高Web应用程序的性能应该高效使用数据库连接池。主要介绍ASP.NET环境下的连接池隐患:孤立连接、连接池溢出,出现的原因并提出了避免连接池隐患的方法。最后介绍用SQL Server性能监视器和事件探查器对连接池进行监控的知识。
Durlng the design of a program based on Web data accessing acts as a key role, and when we do that we should pay more attention to performance of accessing of data, and the more effectively we use database connection pooling the better performance of Web program can he realized. We often encounter errors such as isolated connection, overflowed connection pooling when we use the database connection pooling in the programming environment of ASP. NET. However, we can know about how these errors appear and how we can avoid them in this paper. Finally the paper gives methods of watching database connection pooling with Microsoft ,SQL Server Profiler and Microsoft SQL Server Performance monitor.
Computer & Digital Engineering