

Evidence for Serial Processing in Identity Information Retrieval in Face Recognition
摘要 人脸加工过程中,从人脸知觉到身份信息提取是一个系列的过程还是平行加工的过程,是人脸研究的热点问题之一。通过比较脸—脸(FF)、名字—名字(NN)、脸—名字(FN)和名字—脸(NF)等四种刺激类型条件下被试对其作夫妇判断和性别配对判断时的反应时分析,发现判断任务与刺激类型之间存在显著交互作用。在性别判断任务中,FF反应最快,NF其次,FN和NN最慢;而在夫妇判断任务中,四种刺激类型间无显著差异。反应错误率分析也显示相似的结果。实验结果支持人脸识别到身份信息提取过程为系列加工的观点。 In face recognition,it has been controversial whether face perception and identity information retrieval are serial or parallel. In this study, evidence for serial processing was provided by couple-judgment and gender-judgment tasks. By comparing the reaction time and error rate among four stimulus conditions, including face-face, name-name, face-name and name-face,it was found that there was significant interaction effect between task type and stimulus condition. In the gender judgment task, the response was the fastest under the face-face condition,and slowest under the name-name and face-name conditions, but in the couple judgment task there was no significant difference among the four stimulus conditions. The error rate showed a similar pattern. The results supported the idea that face perception and identity information retrieval were a sequential process.
出处 《应用心理学》 CSSCI 2005年第3期208-213,共6页 Chinese Journal of Applied Psychology
关键词 人脸识别 身份语义信息 系列加工 平行加工 face recognition, identity information retrieval, serial process, parallel process
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