
海底混输管线严重段塞流动的预测与控制 被引量:17

Severe slugging prediction and elimination in deep-water pipeline riser systems
摘要 随着海洋油气田开发向深水海域发展,海底混输管线距离过长,且存在立管系统,容易形成严重段塞流动的现象日益严重。在严重段塞流工况下,管线的流动参数,如压降、段塞长度、段塞频率、持液率都随时间变化,并且表现为周期性变换的压力波动以及间歇出现的液塞。严重段塞流的不稳定性给油气田集输系统的设计及运行管理造成了巨大的困难。本文介绍了海底混输管线中严重段塞流动预测与控制的实验与理论研究进展,同时,对于节流、气举、分离等8类15种控制严重段塞的方法分别进行了评述,旨在为进一步开展海底油气混输管线严重段塞流动的研究提供借鉴,为工程实践提供参考。 Recently, exploitation of offshore petroleum reservoirs has moved to ever increasing water depths. Slug flow is a flow pattern commonly encountered in offshore multiphase pipelines with riser systems. It is characterized by an alternate flow of liquid slugs and gas pockets, resulting in an unsteady hydrodynamic behavior. All important design variables, such as slug length, slug frequency, liquid holdup, and pres- sure drop, vary with time which makes the prediction of slug flow characteristics both difficult and challenging. This paper reviews the experi- mental and theoretic research achievement on the slugging prediction and elimination, and 8 categories, including ahout 15 controlling methods, such as gas-lift, chocking and gas-liquid separation me asco reviewed, which will be of some value for further analyses and researches of severe slugging. And the problems in the research are also presented.
作者 徐孝轩 宫敬
出处 《海洋工程》 CSCD 北大核心 2005年第4期121-128,共8页 The Ocean Engineering
关键词 严重段塞 海底管线 多相流 立管系统 预测 控制 severe slug offshore pipelines muhiphase flow riser systems prediction elimination
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