
基于受害者的网络攻击行为分类方法 被引量:1

A Method of Classifying Network Attacks Based on Victims’ Viewpoint
摘要 对网络攻击行为进行合理分类是进一步理解攻击本质的有效方法,为构建攻击防御库提供了依据.对网络攻击行为分类方法进行了研究,结合攻击步骤和安全事件响应过程,从受害者角度提出了网络攻击行为的层次化树形分类方法,并通过实例进行了描述. Reasonable classifying network attacks is an available method to understand the essence of network attacks, and it provides criterion for constructing attack-recovery database. Considering the general attack steps and response processes, network attack behavior hierarchy taxonomy based on victim's viewpoint was presented in terms of analyzing current network attack taxonomy methods, and this method was described through an example.
作者 胡乔林 李刚
出处 《空军雷达学院学报》 2005年第4期57-60,共4页 Journal of Air Force Radar Academy
关键词 网络攻击 攻击分类 安全响应 network attack attack taxonomy security response
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