bankmail n.银行协议 A bank's agreement with a company at- tempting a takeover not to finance any other potential acquirer's bid. 银行与公司之间签定的、无意向任何潜在收 购公司投标融资的接管协议。 bankrupt n.adj.破产 A noun or adjective.Noun-a person or busi- ness which has made an assignment in bank-r uptcy or has been petitioned into bankruptcy. Adjective-owing more money than you have assets or income to repay. 资产或收入不抵所欠债务。指个人,公司通过 法定程序声明无偿债能力,向法庭指定的受托人 提交所有资产后即无需偿付所有债务。
Times Finance