为了阐明益生素(指一些除了本身具有的营养作用外,还具有促进健康作用的活菌或细菌性产 物)对肠道疾病临床疗效的新进展,本文对最近发表的文献进行了复习。大量报道资料表明双歧杆菌已成为 目前应用最为广泛的益生菌之一,尤其对溃疡性结肠炎或复发性与难治性贮袋炎具有预防与维持缓解的疗效。 此外,婴儿双歧杆菌对肠易激综合征也有较好的治疗效果。含有长双歧杆菌及增效剂1号的合生元治疗也表 明对慢性肠道炎症有全面的改善作用。
Probiotics, defined as live or attenuated bacterial or bacterial products that exerts health effects beyond inherent basic nutrition, have the potential to provide a clinical benefit to the host. The most widely used probiotics in humans are bifidobacteria and others. This paper will review the most recently published literatures that demonstrated the therapeutic benefits of bifidobacterium in patients with active ulcerative colitis including recurrent or refractory pouclitis. In addition, studies that evaluated the response of irritable bowel syndrome to probiotic preparation have also been reviewed. Short term synbiotic (containing B. longum and synergy 1) treatment of active ulcerative colitis results in improvement of the clinical appearance of chronic inflammation in patients receiving this therapy.
Journal of China Prescription Drug