【目的】观察尘螨变应原疫苗治疗常年性变应性鼻炎的效果.【方法】采用病例自身对照的方法,比较2003~2004年2年间136例对尘螨过敏的常年性变应性鼻炎患者在脱敏治疗前后的症状积分、血清尘螨特异性IgE(sIgE)及白介素-8(IL-8)水平.【结果】136例患者中有129人坚持完成脱敏治疗并进行了治疗前后相关指标的检测.症状积分由(9.2±2.2)降至(1.6±1.4),血清尘螨sIgE及IL-8水平分别由治疗前的(13.5±3.1) KUA/L;(564±231) pg/ ml降至治疗后的(2.3±1.5) KUA/L;(203±98) pg/ ml.129人中有41人出现轻度局部不良反应,无全身不良反应者.【结论】对尘螨过敏的常年性变应性鼻炎患者进行尘螨特异性脱敏治疗是一种有效、安全的治疗方法.
[Objective]To evaluate the effect of the desensitization therapy of the dust acarid-allergic rhinitis patients. [Methods]Prospective and case controlled trial was designed to compare the symptom scores, levels of serum specific IgE and serum IL-8 before and after desensitization therapy of the 1:36 dust acarid-allergic rhinitis patients. [Results]There were 129 patients completed the therapy and in compliance with the evaluations. The symptom scores decreased from (9. 2 ± 2. 2) before therapy to 1. 6 ± 1. 40 after therapy ( P % 0.01);levels of serum specific IgE of dust acarid and IL-8 decreased from (13.5±3.1) KUA/L;(564±231) pg/ ml to (2.3±1.5) KUA/L; (203±98) pg/ml respectively before and after therapy( P 〈0.01). There were 41 out of 129 patients got local side effects, and there was no systemic symptom. [Conclusion]Dust acarid specific desensitization therapy is an effective and safe method for the dust acarid allergic rhinitis patients.
Journal of Clinical Research