Running of low flow rate in waxy crude oil pipeline in northeast China is facing a severe problem and wax gathering in pipelines is more and more serious. The transportation cost of waxy crude oil pipeline consists of power and furl consumption. If the wax layer becomes thick, the cost of power consumption will be increased and the cost of fuel consumption will be decreased. On the premise of guaranteeing safe running, it is advantageous for pipeline that there is a wax layer in the wall of pipe for running economically. Taking the minimum expense of unit running energy as objective function of pipeline running, an economical running model that remnant wax thickness and the period of removing the wax were decisive variables was established and solved by numerical calculation. The economical benefit is preferable when the model is used in the practice. The formula suits to calculate the period of removing the wax and thickness of remnant wax laver in the pipeline of waxy etude oil and low flow rate.
Journal of Liaoning Petrochemical University
Low flow rate
Thickness of remnant wax layer
Period of removing the wax