
云南省西部地区鼠群中巴尔通体感染的调查 被引量:14

Study on Bartonella species in rodents in western Yunnan, China
摘要 目的了解云南省西部地区鼠类中巴尔通体(Bartonella species)的感染情况。方法2004年在景东、南华、盈江、龙陵等县捕捉活鼠,采集捕获鼠全血标本,用含5%兔心血的脑心浸液琼脂培养基分离巴尔通体,可疑标本用聚合酶链反应扩增枸橼酸合酶基因(gltA)的特异片段(379 bp) 加以证实。结果4个县共捕获鼠类397只,为1个属4个种,分属大足鼠、黄胸鼠、褐家鼠以及斑胸鼠。从397份标本中分离到巴尔通体54株,分离率为13.6%(54/397)。菌株分布于各调查点的鼠种中,大足鼠的分离率为22.0%(22/100)、黄胸鼠14.8%、(31/210)、褐家鼠为1.2%(1/87)、斑胸鼠阴性。结论云南省西部地区的鼠类中存在着较为广泛的巴尔通体的感染,还需要对相关疾病传播关系做进一步的研究。 Objeetive To study the infection status of Bartonella spp. in rodents in western part of Yunnan province. Methods Blood samples were collected from four species of rodents captured in four counties in western Yunnan in 2004. Bartomella was isolated through being cultured in brain and heart infusion agar media containing 5 % rabbit blood. Suspective Bartomella strains isolates were confirmed by amplification of 379 bp of citrate synthase(gltA ) gene with specific primer by polymerase chin reaction (PCR). Results Fifty-four strains of Bartomella isolates were obtained from 397 samples including four rodent species captured in the fields with an overall isolation-rate of 13.6 % (54/397). The rates of isolation among different species were : 22.0 % (22/100) in Rattus nitidus, 14.8 % ( 31/210) in Rattus flavipectus and 1.2% (1/87)in Rattus norvegicus while in R. t. yunnanensis it was negative. Conelusion These findings demonstrated that the local rodents in western Yunnan were widely infected by Bartornella spp. It is indispensable to study the vector and the route of transmission to discover the relations between Bartornella and human diseases.
出处 《中华流行病学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第11期868-870,共3页 Chinese Journal of Epidemiology
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(30360093)
关键词 鼠群 巴尔通体属 调查 Rodent community Bartondla Investigation
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