
基于Java的网格计算框架及其实现 被引量:3

Grid Computing Framework Based on Java and Its Implementation
摘要 为了提高网格计算的可靠性,适应大规模计算的要求,采用了一种基于Java的分布式网格计算框架,它利用移动部署代理管理计算任务,可以最大限度地减轻中心主机的负担,并通过在Java运行环境中引入两个组件,解决了用Java构建网格计算时存在的安全和资源管理问题,足一种理想的基于Internet的网格应用项目,具有良好的实用性和推广价值。 In order to enhance reliability and adapt computing requirement on a large scalable, a distributed Grid computing framework based on Java is provided. In this framework, the computing tasks are managed with a mobile deployment agent so that it can lighten the central hosts'load, moreover, the problem of security and resource management is solved by importing two components to Java execution environment. In conclusion, it is a perfeet grid application based on Intemet and valuable to popularize for its favorable practicability.
作者 林天峰
出处 《计算机测量与控制》 CSCD 2005年第11期1284-1286,共3页 Computer Measurement &Control
基金 浙江省教育厅立项课题(20030662)
关键词 网格计算 JAVA 移动部署代理 安全 Grid computing Java mobile deployment agent security
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