he value of image analysis of silver-stained nucleolar organize(AgNORs)has been in-vestigated in normal testicular tissues,benign teratomas and malignant teratomas. The ma-jor findings were in normal tissues and benign teratomas the AgNORs are round and regtular.with clear boundaries and even sizes and localed in the center or at the margin of the nucleus;while in malignant teratomas, they are irregular with unclear boundaries and uneven sizesand scatter in the nucleus or gather in clusters. The number,area,large particle number, mean area and roundness of AgNORs weregreater in malignant teratomas than in normal tissties and benign teratomas(P<0.01).thenumber,area and large particle number were greater in benign teratomas than in normal tis-sues(P<(0.01). Ourresults showed that the image analysis of AgNORs was helpful in differentiating thebenign and malignant testicular teratomas and can provide the valuable marker for clinicaluse.
Shanghai Medical Journal