As a corporation, it must face much pressure of managing and greatventure from the market; on the other hand, it can’t be against thecountry’s laws and social norm; and what’s more, it must assumethe responsibilities for the society like a citizen despite of cost. Sohow to balance the social responsibilities and operational cost’ Theex-president of the USA, the former Prime Minister of Great Britain,the former premier of New Zealand, Economic minister of Indone-sia and some other people had a complete and thorough discussion.
As a corporation, it must face much pressure of managing and greatventure from the market; on the other hand, it can't be against thecountry's laws and social norm; and what's more, it must assumethe responsibilities for the society like a citizen despite of cost. Sohow to balance the social responsibilities and operational cost' Theex-president of the USA, the former Prime Minister of Great Britain,the former premier of New Zealand, Economic minister of Indone-sia and some other people had a complete and thorough discussion.
Insight China