
查没野生动物产品的妥善处理 被引量:2

Appropriate Disposal of Confiscate Wildlife Products
摘要 通过对禁贸前后非洲象产品贸易情况和保护状况的比较,分析说明了绝对禁贸对保护濒危物种具有一定的负效应。并指出:在《濒危野生动植物种国际贸易公约》的框架下,保护濒危物种的一个重要方面,是使查没的野生动物产品找到合法市场以减少偷猎利润;拍卖是妥善处理查没野生动物产品的必要方式。这一措施在目前状况下,有利于中国有计划地开辟查没野生动物产品的合法市场,减轻野生动物管理和执法者沉重负担、筹措保护资金、保护和传承传统工艺与产业等。 The negative effects of absolute trade ban on endangered species were analyzed by comparing the status of conservation and trade of Africa elephant products before and after the trade ban was put into practice. It is suggested that one of the important aspects of endangered species protection is to find legal markets for confiscate wildlife products under the restriction of the Convention on the International Trade of Endangered Species, which is beneficial to reduce the gain for poachers. While auctions will be the necessary way to deal with confiscate wildlife products. At present, this measure is advantageous to set up legal markets for confiscate wildlife products designedly, lighten the heavy burden of governors and tipstaves for wildlife administration, raise money for protection, and to inherit traditional technics and industry.
作者 周学红 张伟
机构地区 东北林业大学
出处 《东北林业大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第6期90-92,共3页 Journal of Northeast Forestry University
基金 国家林业局保护司资助项目(拍卖在野生动物拍卖中的应用研究)
关键词 濒危物种保护 野生动物产品 查没 拍卖 Endangered species protection Wildlife products Confiscation Auction
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