本文介绍了新一代功率器件IPM(Ineligent Power Module),即智能功率模块的基本组成及技术.对其中的设计重点单片IC进行了优化设计,使之不仅具有通常的驱动和过流、短路、过热、欠压等保护功能,而且保护电路本身具有延时智能处理的功能.该电路还具有合适的光耦接口,以同计算机相连,达到智能控制的目的.文中给出了该单片控制IC的功能设计方法和方框图及工作原理,对单片IC中分块单元电路进行了元件级设计.最后给出了电路的PSPICE模拟结果.
This paper introduces the basic structure and technology of a new power device-IPM (intelligent Power Module). The monolithic IC is designed to have not only the functions of drive, over current protection, short circuit protection and so on, but the function of delay intelligent control. The circuit has reasonable optical couple interface to connect with a computer. The design consideration and basic principle of the monolithic IC are presented as well. At last, the PSPICE analysis results are given.