
院校研究:理论、方法与机制 被引量:28

Institutional research: theory,methodology and mechanism
摘要 院校研究是针对学校规划、政策发展和管理决策需要,基于本校情境收集、分析和报告事实性数据及信息的自我反思型应用研究。美国的院校研究活动主要集中在收集高校运行的事实性数据、管理问题诊断、专题性决策参谋研究、战略管理与规划研究四个方面。院校研究的有效开展需要掌握高等教育学科理论知识、所研究高校学科发展规律,遵守院校研究的伦理规范、加强沟通与交流。当前推进中国大陆院校研究的动力机制主要在于决策需求与参谋信息的双向互动。 Institutional research is a self-questioning applied research, it aims at the university strategic layout, policy development and management decision-making demand, and based on the data or information collection and analysis of the university situation and report fact. Amercian institutional research chiefly focuses on four aspects: factual data collection of university operation, management issue diagnosis, research on specialistic decision-making and strategic management and layout. To make great progress in institutional research, we must not only acquire theory knowledge of higher education and the discipline development rule, master the specialty study technique, hut also comply with the ethics of institutional research, cultivate the ability of communication. Nowadays, the power mechanism of institutional research in Chinese Mainland mainly lies in the bidirectional interaction of decisionmaking demand and brain-trust information.
出处 《高等教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2005年第11期39-47,共9页 Journal of Higher Education
基金 上海市"十五"哲学社会科学规划重点课题(4A07)
关键词 院校研究 研究内容 研究方法 运行机制 institutional research research content research methodolgy operative mechanism
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