

Progress of Advance Process Control Technique for Plasma Etching Process
摘要 先进过程控制(APC)是一个多层次的控制系统,其包含了实时的设备及工艺控制和非实时的RtR控制。APC引入等离子体刻蚀过程控制可极大提高刻蚀机的使用效率。针对等离子体刻蚀过程,本文分别从实时控制和RtR控制两个不同层次展开了论述,概述了RtR控制器中所使用的线性回归模型和神经网络模型。最后,讨论了APC技术的发展趋势。 Advanced process control (APC) is multi-level control system that includes real-time equipment and process control as well as non-real-time run-to-run (RtR) control. The efficiency of plasma etcher will be greatly improved when APC technique incorporated into plasma control system. The application of real-time control and RtR control for plasma etching process control are discussesed. The linear regressive model and neural network model are also discussed. Finally, the developing trend of APC is prospected.
出处 《半导体技术》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第12期1-4,共4页 Semiconductor Technology
基金 国家自然科学基金项目资助(60236010)
关键词 等离子体刻蚀 先进过程控制 实时控制 流程与流程控制 plasma etching APC real-time control run-to-run control
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