语文教学是一个系统工程。教师要根据教学大纲、教材要求、学生特点、知识水平和智力发展的需要,对构成课 堂教学诸要素进行适当控制,使教学的各个环节产生最佳的整体效能。实现这种控制应从五个方面加以实施,即目标导“向”、 内容定“量”、教法适“度”、结构有“序”、信息多“道”。
Chinese teaching is a systematic project. Teachers ought to attentively regulate and control all the factors which constitute class teaching according to the teaching programme, the reqirements of the teaching materials, and the traits, the knowledge levels and the demands of intellectual developement of the students so as to make the sectors evolve a perfect overall function. In order to fulfil the control, teachers should take great pains with the five aspects, that is, guiding the direction of the aims, fixing the quantity of the contents, adopting appropriate teaching approach, establishing orderly class structure, and presenting multiple-channeled information.
Journal of Sichuan Vocational and Technical College