目的探讨青岛港职工脂肪肝患病情况及分布特点,为脂肪肝的防治提供科学依据.方法对2002年8 054各参加健康研究18~96岁参加者的危险因素调查和肝脏超声检查资料进行分析.结果青岛港人群男性脂肪肝患病率34.2%,女性15.1%(χ2=233.5,P<0.000 1).男性患病率在18~34岁组最高,达38.4%;女性在55~64岁组最高,达41.3%.男女性超重(包括肥胖)率分别为58.8%和42.4%(χ2=140.1,P<0.000 1).体质指数和脂肪肝患病程度量显著正相关(Spearman's r=0.539,P<0.000 1).结论脂肪肝病变在该人群中普遍流行.男性脂肪肝患病率和严重程度在18~34岁年青组最高.对脂肪肝的防治,应从青少年做起.
[ Objective] To explore the situation and distribution of fatty liver among the staff of Qingdao seaport and provide scientific basis for the prevention and treatment of fatty liver. [Methods] 8054 participants were investigated about their cardiovascular risk factors, and their liver ultrasonogram was analyzed. [Results] The overall prevalence rate of fatty liver among males and females were 34.2% and 15.1% ( P 〈 0.000 1 ) ; 38.4 % of the male patients were between the age of 18 to 34, while 41.3 % of female patients were between the age of 55 to 64. The overweight rate among males and females were 58.8% and 42.4% respectively. The constitution index and the disease grades were closely correlated ( P 〈 0.000 1 ), [Conclusion] Fatty liver is quite prevalent among this population; the prevalence rate is the highest between the ages of 18 to 34 among males, therefore prevention work should be strengthened among adolescents.
Occupation and Health
Fatty liver, Prevalence rate, Adolescents