
鸡肉肌苷酸和肌内脂肪等肉品风味性状遗传参数的估计 被引量:34

Genetic Parameter Estimation for Inosine-5-Monophosphate and Intramuscular Fat Contents and Other Meat Quality Traits in Chicken Muscle
摘要 对鸡肉肌苷酸(Inosine-5′-Monophosphate,IMP)和肌内脂肪(Intramuscular fat,IMF)等重要肉品风味性状的遗传参数进行了估计,旨在从遗传理论上为确定鸡肉风味品质性状的选育方法提供依据.采用MTDFREML方法对1069只90日龄北京油鸡公鸡的相关性状的遗传力和遗传相关进行了估计,结果表明,胸肌IMP和IMF含量属中等偏低遗传力性状(h2=0.23,0.10),腹脂重(AFW)、胸肌重(BMY)、胸肌率(BMR)、腿肌重(LMY)、体重(BW)、鸡冠重(CW)和鸡冠率(CWP)的遗传力较高(h2=0.56~0.79),腹脂率(AFP)、腿肌率(LMR)、睾丸重(TW)和睾丸率(TWP)等性状的遗传力分别为0 24、0.32、0.39和0 35.IMP与胸肌率、腿肌率和尾脂厚呈较低度的表型正相关,与其他性状无明显表型相关;IMF与体重、腹脂率、尾脂厚和脂带宽呈一定程度的表型正相关(rP=0.11~0.33).IMP与体重和鸡冠率呈中等以上程度的遗传负相关(rA=-0.38,-0.62),与胸肌率呈较高水平的遗传正相关(rA=0.57);IMF与体重和腹脂重则呈高度遗传正相关(rA=0.75,0.66),与腹脂率和鸡冠率呈中等水平遗传正相关(rA=0.32,0.40);IMP与IMF之间呈中低水平的遗传正相关(rA=0.27).据此推断,可以利用家系法对IMP和IMF含量进行选择提高. The genetic parameters for some important flavor traits like inosine-5′-monophosphate (IMP) and intramuscular fat (IMF) contents in breast meat were estimated using a MTDFREML procedure on 1063 male, 90-day-old, purebred Beijing-You meat-type chicks (BJY). The result showed that the heritability of IMP and IMF contents in BJY breast meat was moderate or low (h^2 = 0. 23, 0. 10), whereas these parameters were higher for abdominal fat weight (AFW), breast meat yield (BMY), ratio of BMY to carcass weight (BMR), leg muscle yield (LMY), body weight (BW), comb weight(CW) and comb weight percentage (CWB) ( h^2 = 0.56-0.79). The heritability of abdominal fat percentage (AFP), leg meat yield (LMY), testicle weight (TW) and testicle weight percentage (TWP) were 0.24, 0.32, 0.39 and 0.35, respectively. IMP exhibited low phenotypic correlations with BMY, LMY and SFT and no significant phenotypic correlations with other traits. IMF, to some extent, exhibited positive phenotypic correlation with BW, AFP, SFT and FSW ( rp = 0.11-0.33). In terms of genetic correlation, IMP was moderately or significantly negatively correlated with BW and CWP ( rA = - 0.38,-0.62), and a high level of positive correlation was observed with BMY ( rA = 0.57). Moreover, IMF was highly correlated with BW and AFW ( rA = 0.75,0.66), and moderately correlated with AFP and CWP (rA = 0.32, 0.40). A low level of positive correlation was observed between IMP and IMF (rA =0.27). We propose that IMP and IMF contents in chicken meat could be increased with selection through linebreeding.
出处 《遗传》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第6期898-902,共5页 Hereditas(Beijing)
基金 国家高技术"863"计划资助项目(编号:2001AA243081) 国家科技基础条件平台工作面上项目(编号:2003DED6J078)~~
关键词 鸡肉 肌苷酸 肌内脂肪 遗传参数 chicken muscle inosine-5-monophosphate intramuscular fat genetic parameter.
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