Language Corner lesson 12:Changing Money
1Lesson 8:Can I Help You?[J].China Today,2007,56(8):78-78.
2the National Office for Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language (NOTCFL).Lesson 18:A Tour of Beijing[J].China Today,2006,55(6):82-83.
3lesson 11:Asking the Way[J].China Today,2005,54(11):72-73.
4SUN DEJIN.Lesson 10 Putting Up at a Hotel[J].China Today,1995,44(10):65-67.
5Korean War Teaches a Lesson of Justice[J].China Today,2000,49(10):12-14.
6JOHN ROSS.China’s Changing Pattern of FDI[J].China Today,2014,63(11):59-60.
7Lesson 3:Do You Need any Help?[J].China Today,2007,56(3):80-81.
8Yan Xuetong is Professor and Director of the Institute of International Studies, Tsinghua University..China and the Changing World[J].Contemporary International Relations,2006,16(10):26-33.
9Lesson 10:What Events Are You Generally in?[J].China Today,2007,56(10):78-79.
10Lesson 12: That's a Really Inspiring Achievement![J].China Today,2007,56(12):80-81.