
试述新政治经济学的三个维度——兼序《后果评价与实践理性》中译 被引量:4

Three Dimensions of Neo-Political Economics
摘要 通过对阿罗不可能性定理的重新叙述,我试图刻画任一新政治经济学或公共选择议题必须涉及的三个重要维度:(1)自由,(2)正义,(3)效率。在给定的某种理性假设下,公共选择的社会效果,不妨被视为是在“自由-正义-效率”三维评价空间的某一区域内取值的映射。那么,阿罗定理及其他不可能性定理意味着,这一区域或许将十分靠近原点,或者,逻辑上,它不可能同时在三个维度上无界,从而我们不可能在获得令人满意的效率的同时兼有令人满意的自由和正义。 Arrow' important issues : s impossibility theorem implies that any new-political or public-choice topic has to deal with three (1) freedom, (2) justice, (3) efficiency. Given any kind of hypothesis on rationality of decision makers as well as of the public choice, if a public choice can be imagined as a mapping taking values in a region, say, a set V, within the "freedom-justice-efficiency" three-dimensional space, then, the general impossibility results tell us that the set V cannot be unbounded along all three dimensions at the same time, if it is not the case that V is nearby the origin.
作者 汪丁丁
出处 《北京大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2005年第6期131-138,共8页 Journal of Peking University(Philosophy and Social Sciences)
关键词 新政治经济学 自由 正义 效率 neo-political economics freedom justice efficiency
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