本系统是在 Microsoft Visual Studio.NET 开发环境下,用面向对象程序设计语言 C#.NET 开发的用于载带机表贴式产品检测的数字图象处理系统。通过置于表贴式产品生产流水线上方的摄像头把产品实时图象传入计算机,程序对图象进行灰度化和二值化变换后得到最适合模式识别的 bmp 图象;利用提取图象关键信息、图象分割、边缘跟踪等模式识别技术,定位出图象中载带产品的圆形打孔位置及其外围模压框的精确定位参数及规格尺寸,与 EIA 标准比较后确定产品是否合格以完成产品检测。
This design, based on the exploring environment of Microsoft Visual Studio. NET, is a system for digital picture processing. It's developed using programming language C#. NET to apply to the SMT products detection of belt carrier. It uses the camera fixed above the belt carrier to record the actual image and then transfers the information to the computer. It transfers the picture to BMP image of easy identification by grayscales and binarization. System can figure out detailed dimension of all products and therefore have an accurate judgement by technology as extracting the key information of picture, picture segmentation, edge tracing ect. Then it finished products detection after sure products reach standard compare with EIA standard.
Electrical Automation