2005年3月,普京总统签署了关于俄罗斯电力部门改革的5项法律,它标志着俄罗斯电力改革的正式启动。俄罗斯电力市场目前仍属于由政府垄断的状态,绝大部分的电力资源由国家统一电力系统公司(RAO UES of Russia)掌控。俄罗斯目前的发电量在世界排名第4,而UES是世界第一大电力公司。因此,整个俄罗斯的电力改革,大部分也就集中在统一电力系统公司的改革之上。俄罗斯电力需求与供给之间的差距扩大,使电力市场改革注定成为俄罗斯经济改革的一个重要方面,而世界瞩目的俄罗斯2005年5月25日大停电也宣告了俄罗斯电力改革的必然性。
The gap between Russian electricity demand and supply is growing, which makes the electric sector reform a key part of the integral Russian economic reform. The big blackouts, not long ago, announced the necessity of the reform. In March 2003, five laws on power sector reform signed by President Putin set the reform into substantial operation. The power sector of Russia is still monopolized by the government through the Unified Energy System (RAO UES of Russia). The country is the forth-largest power producer in the world and the biggest electric power company. Accordingly, the sector's reform focuses on the company reform.