n animal stereotactic device for experimental gamma knife radiosurgery was described. Thereare two main parts in the animal stercotactic frame. One is the Leksell stereotactic frame, the otherfixed to the frame, is an animal head holder and fixation apparatus made from aluminium alloy andplexiglass which were confirmed that there were no distortion and artifacts in CT and MR. scanning. Thisdevice is compatible with both CT and MR. cooordinate indicators. So, the X, Y, and Z coordinates ofthe irradiated targets can be determined by CT or MR scanning. We have studied the radiobiology ofgamma knife with cats using this animal stereotactic device and applied it into rabbits and guinea pigsfor oxperimental gamma knife radosurgery The results showed that this animal st,ereotartic device iseasy to fix, the fixation of the head of animal is reliable anil simple, and the stereotactic localization ofthe target is accurate.