
伽玛刀动物立体定位架的设计制作 被引量:1

An animal stereotactic device for experimental gamma knife radiosurgery
摘要 以Leksell立体定位架为基础,在其上安装由无磁性铝合金和有机玻璃材料制成的动物固定装置,使用人的CT或MRI定位盒,可进行照射靶点坐标的CT或MRI定位。用此头架对猫的伽玛刀放射生物学研究和对兔及豚鼠的试用,结果显示此头架安装简便、头部固定可靠、定位片上无伪影、定位准确。 n animal stereotactic device for experimental gamma knife radiosurgery was described. Thereare two main parts in the animal stercotactic frame. One is the Leksell stereotactic frame, the otherfixed to the frame, is an animal head holder and fixation apparatus made from aluminium alloy andplexiglass which were confirmed that there were no distortion and artifacts in CT and MR. scanning. Thisdevice is compatible with both CT and MR. cooordinate indicators. So, the X, Y, and Z coordinates ofthe irradiated targets can be determined by CT or MR scanning. We have studied the radiobiology ofgamma knife with cats using this animal stereotactic device and applied it into rabbits and guinea pigsfor oxperimental gamma knife radosurgery The results showed that this animal st,ereotartic device iseasy to fix, the fixation of the head of animal is reliable anil simple, and the stereotactic localization ofthe target is accurate.
机构地区 上海伽玛刀医院
出处 《功能性和立体定向神经外科杂志》 1996年第1期14-15,共2页
关键词 伽玛刀 动物 立体定位架 设计 制作 Gamma knife, Animal, Stereotactic device
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